Follow the link to know – What is the angle of the eye??

Primary angle-closure suspect
It is the condition where the angle of the eye is narrow -which is abnormal. But, there is no evidence of glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure or any permanent angle changes.
Depending on the risk factors you have, your ophthalmologist will decide whether to observe with regular follow-ups or go for a laser treatment.
Primary angle closure
In this condition also, the angles are narrow. Additionally, there may be associated increased intraocular pressure or permanent angle changes. But there is no evidence of glaucoma.
Your ophthalmologist will advise laser treatment and glaucoma investigations. And if needed, topical antiglaucoma medications.
Primary angle closure glaucoma
It is same as primary angle closure, but additionally there is associated glaucoma.
Your ophthalmologist will advise laser treatment and glaucoma management.
Secondary angle closure and secondary angle closure glaucoma
The are the same as primary angle closure and primary angle closure glaucoma respectively, but are as a result of other conditions in the eye.
The management of these condition depends on the associated eye condition.